Explore Applications in Healthcare Solutions
Medical Imaging
Consumer Medical Electronics
Diagnostic Patient Monitoring and Therapy
Medical Instruments
Diabetes Monitoring and Diagnostic
Vital Signs Monitoring
In Vitro Diagnostic
Typical applications include X-ray counting ICs for computed tomography, hearing aids (digital ICs with µC, DSP and audio engine; mixed-signal ICs with support functions such as ADC, DAC, microphone IF, power supply, etc.), continuous temperature measurement with NFC readout (for patient monitoring, pregnancy control, transportation of medical items, etc.), and blood analysis such as glucose, coagulation, etc.
Explore Components in Healthcare Solutions
Micro Components
Who Are the Key Players in Semiconductor in Healthcare Market?
Texas Instruments Incorporated
Recommended Parts:AFE4960 TX7516 AFE58JD48
Recommended Parts: LE25S161
Analog Devices Inc., Maxim Integrated
Recommended Parts:ADA4177 ADP5350 ADAS1000 ADXL335
STMicroelectronics are the major company operating in the semiconductor in healthcare market.
Recommended Parts:TCPP01-M12 M24256-BF M24256-BR M24512-W
In the Future
Currently, the main uses of electronic medical devices are in research, collecting public health data, maintaining and accessing patient records, and patient care. But the use of semiconductors in these devices is expanding as devices move toward monitoring, diagnosis, or treatment through surgery or other treatments, such as drug delivery and nerve stimulation in neurotechnology. Monitoring systems also include implantable clinical devices used in patients' homes to transmit data back to doctors, or to obtain monitoring services about vital signs systems from sensors on the patient's body.