A system on a chip is an integrated circuit that integrates a computer or other electronic system onto a single chip. Monolithic systems can handle digital signals, analog signals, mixed signals and even higher frequency signals. Monolithic systems are often used in embedded systems.
A typical monolithic system has the following parts:
At least one microcontroller or microprocessor, digital signal processor, but there can also be multiple central control cores
The memory can be one or more of read-only memory, random access memory, EEPROM and flash memory.
Oscillator and phase locked loop circuits for providing time pulse signals
External devices consisting of counters, timers, and power supply circuits
Different standard connection interfaces, such as Universal Serial Bus, FireWire, Ethernet, Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transceiver, and Serial Peripheral Interface, etc.
Analog-to-digital converters and digital-to-analog converters for converting between digital and analog signals
Voltage conditioning circuits and voltage regulators
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